This week, we will share guidance on how you can identify a new microHabit to install into your daily routine.

According to Co-founder and independent OPTAVIA Coach, Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, a microHabit is a small doable behavior that can always be completed. The vital role of developing microHabit is that once they become part of your routine, they are consistent and predictable. Daily repetition is never in question. You can practice your microHabit, like Healthy Hydration, every day, all the time.

As you identify your new microHabit ask yourself these questions to enhance success:

  • Do I want to do this microHabit? Your level of motivation and willingness must outweigh any doubt to be successful when installing a new habit, like journaling before bed instead of looking at your phone.
  • Is it achievable? For a new habit to be achievable, you must practice it every day. This includes the days when your desire may dwindle, but you still practice this habit to avoid breaking the chain of habit installation.
  • Is it easily activated? Is there a prompt that reminds me to do it? Until the habit becomes an automatic part of your daily life you will need reminders; something that triggers you to act on your microHabit. This is the cue in the habit loop discussed last week and can be a reminder on your phone, a specific place, or even a certain person.
  • THANKS, DR. A!

Now that you understand how to identify a new microHabit to install, connect with me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, to discuss how you can keep focused as you work towards your goal.

Remember, it takes an average of 66 days to install a new habit, so keep going!

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