Summerizing Your Vacation Plans

Thrilled to share with you ongoing strategies to maintain your healthy new choices.  A life-style change may be in your future….never more timely than right now.  How can I help you?

Carol L. Roman, Certified Health Coach

All information was taken directly from Dr.A’s Habits of Health. The Path to Permanent Weight Control and Optimal Health by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen

My client Nicki told me every May, she and her husband and 3 children rent a house on the beach for a 2 week family vacation. Having learned to keep her vision and goals in mind she had already lost 20 lbs. Her decision and commitment to her health would ensure her success. She was determined to lose 28 more lbs. and reach her healthy weight by July 15th for her 20 year class reunion

After reading chapter 10 in the HOH she decided she liked the idea of using the color coded system with all supermarket food to continue on the program while away on vacation.” Page 118 has what my customized daily meal plan looks like in detail”. Following the basic principles of reaching an optimal weight using balanced (protein to low glycemic carbohydrates)

  • § Eat breakfast
  • § Eat a small amount of food every 3 hours
  • § Eat a healthy meal at dinner time.

To create a daily menu she designs breakfast and dinner using a 9 “plate supplemented by 4 fueling breaks.  Each of the 2 meals provides 300 to 400 calories through:

  • § a combination of vegetable and fruits (50% of the plate =small paperback novel of 100 pages)
  • § A healthy low glycemic starch (25% of plate /tennis ball)
  • § A healthy protein (25% of plate/deck of cards)

*Remember to use fruit sparingly during the weight loss phase and only those with a glycemic index below 30(dark green section of chart)

Fueling breaks provide 100 calories each. Pg. 120 to 121 has sample fueling breaks are balanced (again, protein to low glycemic carbohydrates).

There is 2 weeks’ worth of sample meals beginning on Page 122.

She decided to take some Medifast pretzels and Medifast shakes for snacks on the beach and soft serve and pudding for evening snacks..

Nicki said she really felt excited about her vacation plans! She committed to walking for 30 to 40 minutes a day on the beach and would closely monitor her weight. She would email me on Tuesdays while away to let me know how she did each week and would let me know if she had any questions.

I’ll have to let you know how she does on her vacation after she returns!

Marsha Hildebrand, RN

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