Does It Make You Cry?

Last blog, I was thrilled to open the subject of WHY?  It’s a topic near & dear to my heart.  I’ve navigated a number of decades with fair success but it was not until very recently that I was able to fully define my WHY?

It is not a definition that has much to do with my relationships, my friends, my spiritual life, or my business, or does it?   In fact it has  EVERYTHINGto do with my relationships, my friends, my spiritual life and my business!    Is that a contradiction?  Or, rather is it a paradox?  Opposites that are true and not true at the same time?  The answer is YES.

When attempting to define our WHY? it can’t really have anything at all to do with “who” we are, what we “believe” or what we “do”.    It is the thing that, after some thought, can be distilled down to what lies beneath….our  underlying structure.   “What makes us cry”… if you will.  It can spark a truly visceral response.  It doesn’t necessarily mean literal tears, but it can be seen in this way:  if a day went by and you didn’t realize your WHY? in some aspect of your life, it would be considered a bad day!  When you work to clarify your WHY? and you trigger an emotional reaction, you are on the right track!

This type of work, which is the brain-child of one of my mentors, Simon Sinek.  He has laid the foundation for finding, identifying and crystalizing our WHY? in his book, START WITH WHY, which I highly recoommend.  Hat’s off to you, Simon!  You are making a world of difference.

So, think about your life, going as far back as you can.  Remember the instances when you at or failed miserably at something, being captain of the cheerleaders, being bullied at school, cleaning up the local civil war cemetary as your class project, or missing the mark on your first goal at your new job.  How did it make you feel?  Do a compilation of those feelings, boil them down into just a few of the most important ones, and you may begin to see a pattern emerge.  Go ahead….give it a try.  See if it provides some clarity for you to develop a WHY?

I’m currently engaged in pursuit of my own WHY? and I am getting close.  🙂  This has been a journey of surprising discovery as I uncover thoughts and feelings about experiences I have left behind!  Turns out, they are all still a part of me and I can welcome them all back as old friends.

I’d love to hear what you think about this current blog.  My email address is  I’d love to hear from you as you venture down this path to self-discovery and joy!



1 thought on “Does It Make You Cry?

  1. Wow Carol what an inspiring. Story and powerful inspiration for all of us. I am 70 years old with a bad back and a strong wish to go to Alaska. Since the challenge started, I have noticed that I feel better and my back is doing better with more exercise from my physical Therapist at the back exercise class.

    I enjoy your posts. a lot during the meltdown challenge.

    Best regards,

    Kathy Luloff

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